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2024-03-07 17:59:39

沈南鹏表态要「all in crypto」,Crypto 是什么?未来将有哪些发展? - 知乎

沈南鹏表态要「all in crypto」,Crypto 是什么?未来将有哪些发展? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册投资沈南鹏比特币 (Bitcoin)数字货币Crypto沈南鹏表态要「all in crypto」,Crypto 是什么?未来将有哪些发展?红杉资本的推特似乎换了运营者,一会发行NFT,一会把简介中的公司换成“DAO”,让外界摸不着头脑。但可以肯定的是,从沈南鹏"all in crypto…显示全部 ​关注者413被浏览189,497关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题 17​1 条评论​分享​42 个回答默认排序知乎用户​​金融话题下的优秀答主我觉得不论是元宇宙也好,还是区块链也好,根本的价值都在于提高了社会运转的效率。否则,就和美国打到伊拉克的战斧式巡航导弹一样,一枚好几百万美元,产出了GDP,却最终消失的无影无踪。这些钱由政府财政埋单,央行QE接盘,最终成为稀释真实财富的废纸。而苹果手机为什么好卖?因为一个1000美元的东西,一年下来可以节省的时间成本和创造的价值,可能远远不止1000美元。记得两三年前,有一次从AMC看完电影出来,在开车回家的路上,我突然开始想:现在娱乐行业这么发达,票房动辄几个亿,明星赚得盆满钵满,到底他们的真实价值在哪里呢?我当然理解娱乐行业的价值和其他服务行业一样,都是满足了人的需求,进而形成了这种买卖服务的市场。虽然电影和综艺并不能直接解决人们的温饱问题,并不能提高科技与工业制造水平,也并不能解决环保与能源问题,但是当一个社会的经济水平发展到一定高度的时候,便可以支持人们的这种精神需求。农民的果实、工人的劳动、快递小哥的辛苦,都是我们现在享受杜比影院的基础。但是我只是隐隐担心,当资本追逐高额回报而涌入这类服务行业的时候,资源的分配是否已经难以维持这种经济生态?毕竟,我们不能通过互相服务而生存下去不是?该吃还得吃。我们最终都是农民伯伯养大的。其实金融资产的本质也是类似。金融经济学对于金融资产的定义是:claims to future consumption goods,对未来消费品的所有权。一个优质的,为社会产出很多产品,提供了很多就业岗位,甚至可以通过发明创造来提高整个社会的生产效率的公司,其发行的权益和债券,便是优质的资产。相反,便是劣质的资产,反而还会提高整个社会的杠杆。美元可以成为全球的硬通货,不单单是靠美国的霸权地位和目前还没有破灭的政府信誉,更是因为美国很长时间以来是世界上优质公司最多的国家。持有这些公司的金融资产,就是变相的持有美元。美债即美元。当人们持有美元资产,可随时兑现美元时,用美元给商品定价便成了首选。这样可以避免汇率波动带来的风险,省去了对冲外汇风险成本。这反过来又在强化美元作为价值储存工具的地位,因为持有美元资产,便只需要担心通胀率,而不是汇率波动。像土耳其那样,把自己的货币搞得忽上忽下的国家,只能逼迫民众使用美元进行支付和储蓄。如果上述推论成立的话,貌似只有一种货币可以成为全球硬通货。因为只要存在另一种通用货币,就会需要考虑两种通用货币之间的汇率波动,逐渐的,其中一种会被更多用来给商品定价,进而成长为硬通货。那么All In Crypto,是基于哪方面的考虑呢?我能想到的有:目前在生产生活中,信用问题也许严重制约了效率,而区块链解决了这一问题,所以提高了生产效率。假设真是这么一回事儿,那么crypto不单单是类似金融的服务工具,更是可以提高效率、解放人力的生产工具。这种情况下,All In Crypto,属于投资优质资产。当然,优质与否也取决于背后解决的问题是否优质。小姐姐纽约那种应该不算。区块链技术仍然有成为新一代货币的潜力。在各国试点央行数字货币的大背景下,All In Crypto,符合政策导向。但对于一个国家来说,数字货币至多只能成为那个铆钉法币的“代步工具”,一山容不得二虎。放眼国际,数字货币之战,其实和传统法币之战没有什么区别。人民币国际化遇到的困难,不是换一个区块链的概念就可以解决的。本质还是实体经济与国际地位的较量。PE与VC行业在2020年到2021年间经历了爆炸式的发展,“高估值”已经成为了2021年全球私募领域最频繁出现的关键词。也许Crypto是一个还未被开发的投资方向,是价值低地。但这点我其实很难相信,因为过去的两年VC行业收到投资最多的两个行业就是医疗科技与金融科技。后者应该已经投了不少区块链公司。所以All In Crypto,是跟风还是发现了未被国外投资者发现的好项目?私募行业素以 impact investing 闻名。希望在当前资本紧缺的环境下,像沈总这样的大咖可以用理性投资让经济进步,而不是喊口号,一把梭哈。编辑于 2022-02-07 16:43​赞同 48​​4 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​孤鹤​​互联网行业 监事​ 关注人家是All in cryto红杉推特第二天也改回来了发布于 2021-12-11 09:09​赞同 10​​4 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢

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Every Wallet™Founded in0Users0MAbout UsFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat is crypto?Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that operates on distributed ledger technology called a blockchain and uses cryptography for security. It is decentralized and operates independently of a central bank.Unlike traditional currencies, cryptocurrencies are not backed by a physical commodity or government, and their value is determined by market demand and supply. Cryptocurrencies can be used to buy goods and services, transfer funds, and trade in markets. Popular cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and Cronos.Many cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are created through a process called mining, which involves solving complex mathematical equations to validate and record transactions on a blockchain. This mechanism is also called Proof of Work (PoW). Another consensus mechanism that has increased in popularity — as it is more energy efficient — is Proof of Stake (PoS). Instead of mining, PoS relies on network participants validating transactions. Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency, uses this consensus mechanism.What is Bitcoin?Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that operates on a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. It was created in 2009 by an unknown person or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, and it has gained significant popularity and value since its creation.Unlike traditional fiat currency, which is controlled by central banks and governments, Bitcoin operates independently of any central authority. Transactions are verified and recorded on the blockchain, which is a distributed ledger that maintains a permanent and transparent record of all transactions.Bitcoin can be bought, sold, and exchanged on various cryptocurrency exchanges, and it can be used to purchase goods and services from merchants that accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. The supply of bitcoins is limited to 21 million units, and new bitcoins are created through mining, which involves using specialized computer hardware to solve complex mathematical equations.Bitcoin is known for its high volatility, and its value can fluctuate rapidly in response to market conditions, news events, and other factors. Many traders, including institutional investors, see Bitcoin as a store of value and a way to participate in the growing cryptocurrency ecosystem.Where to buy crypto?There are several ways to buy cryptocurrencies, including:Brokerage services: Crypto brokers allow users to simply buy and sell cryptocurrencies. A popular example is the Crypto.com App, trusted by over 80 million users. It is available at the Apple Store and on Google Play.Cryptocurrency exchanges: These are online platforms where users can buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrencies using fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies. They offer more complex functions compared to a crypto brokerage, adding trading instruments like crypto derivatives. The Crypto.com Exchange is an example of a popular crypto exchange.Peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplaces: These are platforms where buyers and sellers can directly trade cryptocurrencies without the involvement of a third-party exchange. This is also known as DeFi, short for decentralized finance. Multiple P2P crypto marketplaces can be accessed all in one app via the Crypto.com DeFi Wallet.It is important to perform proper research and choose a reputable platform to buy cryptocurrencies. For instance, Crypto.com holds the highest security rating in the industry. In addition, it is advisable to store cryptocurrencies securely in a wallet like the Crypto.com App or Crypto.com DeFi Wallet.How to buy crypto?To buy crypto, follow these general steps:Choose a crypto platform to use, like the Crypto.com Exchange or Crypto.com App.Create an account on the chosen platform by providing personal information and ID verification, also known as ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) procedures.Deposit fiat currency or another cryptocurrency into the newly created account. The Crypto.com App supports bank transfers, credit cards, debit cards, and cryptocurrency transfers to buy crypto, depending on region.Navigate to the ‘Buy’ section of the Crypto.com Exchange or App and select the crypto to buy.Enter the amount of cryptocurrency to buy and confirm the transaction.The crypto will be deposited into the account. From here, it can be transferred to other crypto wallets or converted back to fiat currency and paid out to a bank account.It is important to perform proper research and choose a reputable platform to buy cryptocurrencies. For instance, Crypto.com holds the highest security rating in the industry. In addition, it is advisable to store cryptocurrencies securely in a wallet like the Crypto.com App or Crypto.com DeFi Wallet.How to buy Bitcoin?Users can buy Bitcoin from a cryptocurrency exchange, a crypto brokerage service like the Crypto.com App, or a peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace like those found in the Crypto.com DeFi Wallet. Here are some general steps to buying bitcoin from an exchange or brokerage service:Choose a reputable cryptocurrency platform that supports Bitcoin trading. Popular options include the Crypto.com App and the Crypto.com Exchange.Create an account on the chosen platform and complete the KYC verification process, which may require providing personal identification documents.Fund an account using a bank transfer, credit/debit card, or other cryptocurrency, depending on region.Navigate to the ‘Buy’ section of the platform and select Bitcoin as the cryptocurrency to buy.Enter the amount of bitcoin to buy, or the amount of fiat or cryptocurrency to spend.Review the transaction details and confirm the purchase.Once the transaction is complete, the bitcoin will be deposited into the chosen account. From here, the funds can be transferred to other crypto wallets or converted back to fiat currency and paid out to a bank account.It is important to perform proper research and choose a reputable platform to buy cryptocurrencies. For instance, Crypto.com holds the highest security rating in the industry. In addition, it is advisable to store cryptocurrencies securely in a wallet like the Crypto.com App or Crypto.com DeFi Wallet.How to trade crypto?To trade cryptocurrency, follow these general steps:Choose a cryptocurrency exchange that supports trading. A popular option is the Crypto.com Exchange.Create an account on the chosen platform and perform ID verification, known as KYC (‘Know Your Customer’).Deposit funds into the newly created account using a supported payment method. The Crypto.com Exchange supports bank transfers and credit/debit cards.Navigate to the trading section of the platform and select the cryptocurrency pair to trade.Choose whether to buy or sell the cryptocurrency, and enter the amount to trade.Set the preferred price and order type. There are several types of orders, including market orders, limit orders, stop orders, and crypto options, which allow users to buy or sell at a specific price or under certain conditions.Submit the trade order and wait for it to be executed. Depending on market conditions, the trade may be filled immediately, or it may take time to be filled.Monitor trades and adjust strategies as necessary.Here is an introduction to trading on the Crypto.com Exchange.It is crucial to note that trading cryptocurrency carries risk, and it is important to trade only what you can afford to lose.How to earn crypto?There are several ways to earn cryptocurrency, including:Mining: Cryptocurrency mining involves using specialized computer hardware to solve complex mathematical equations that validate transactions on a blockchain network. Successful miners are rewarded with newly minted cryptocurrency for their efforts.Staking/Lockups: Staking and lockups involve holding or locking up a certain amount of cryptocurrency in a wallet or on a platform to support the operations of the blockchain network. Stakers are rewarded with new cryptocurrency as a form of interest for their support.Trading: Trading cryptocurrency involves buying and selling cryptocurrencies on exchanges or other trading platforms. Those who have a good understanding of market trends and are able to make informed trading decisions can earn profits through trading.Airdrops: Airdrops are free distributions of cryptocurrency to users who meet certain criteria or participate in promotional activities.Crypto Projects: Some blockchain projects offer rewards or bounties for users who contribute to their development or community. This can include activities like bug bounties, testing, or content creation.It's important to note that each method of earning cryptocurrency carries its own risks and rewards. It is recommended to carefully research cryptocurrencies and understand the process before buying. Learn more about the crypto market at Crypto.com University.How to earn rewards on crypto?Users can earn rewards on their cryptocurrency holdings through various products that offer rewards-bearing accounts or lending services. Here are some ways to earn rewards on cryptocurrency:The Crypto.com App, Exchange, and DeFi Wallet all offer different ways to earn rewards on crypto, called Crypto Earn.Create an account on the chosen platform and deposit cryptocurrency holdings into the rewards account.Depending on the platform, users may earn rewards through lending their cryptocurrency to other users or by locking up their cryptocurrency for a period of time.Some products offer fixed reward rates (e.g., the Crypto.com Visa Card), while others may offer variable rates that depend on market conditions (e.g., the 'Earn' feature in the Crypto.com DeFi Wallet).Monitor rewards and adjust strategies as necessary.It's important to note that earning interest and rewards on cryptocurrency carries risks, including fluctuations in market conditions that may affect interest rates. Make sure to carefully research and understand terms and conditions before depositing cryptocurrency.Have more questions? Contact UsGet started with cryptoOrScan to DownloadFeaturesBuy and SellCrypto EarnOn-chain StakingCrypto.com PayPay for BusinessMargin TradingDerivatives TradingSuperchargerTrading ArenaLearnUniversityResearch & AnalysisGlossaryBitcoinWhat is Ethereum?What is Blockchain?How to buy Bitcoin?How to buy Ethereum?How to buy Crypto?What is Crypto?What is DeFi?PricesCrypto PricesBitcoin PriceEthereum PriceSite WidgetsNewsWhat's TrendingMarket UpdatesProduct NewsCompany NewsEventsCompanyAbout UsPartnersSecurityProof of ReservesClimateCapitalAffiliateCareersListingSupportFeaturesBuy and SellCrypto EarnOn-chain StakingCrypto.com PayPay for BusinessMargin TradingDerivatives TradingSuperchargerTrading ArenaPricesCrypto PricesBitcoin PriceEthereum PriceSite WidgetsNewsWhat's TrendingMarket UpdatesProduct NewsCompany NewsEventsLearnUniversityResearch & AnalysisGlossaryBitcoinWhat is Ethereum?What is Blockchain?How to buy Bitcoin?How to buy Ethereum?How to buy Crypto?What is Crypto?What is DeFi?CompanyAbout UsPartnersSecurityProof of ReservesClimateCapitalAffiliateCareersListingSupportGet started with cryptoOrScan to DownloadProductsFeaturesLearnPricesNewsCompanyGet started with cryptoOrScan to DownloadThe purpose of this website is solely to display information regarding the products and services available on the Crypto.com App. It is not intended to offer access to any of such products and services. You may obtain access to such products and services on the Crypto.com App.Please note that the availability of the products and services on the Crypto.com App is subject to jurisdictional limitations. Crypto.com may not offer certain products, features and/or services on the Crypto.com App in certain jurisdictions due to potential or actual regulatory restrictions.Copyright © 2018 - 2024 Crypto.com. All rights reserved.Privacy NoticeStatusCookie Preferences

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What Is Crypto? (Types, Benefits, and How It Works) | Coursera

Is Crypto? (Types, Benefits, and How It Works) | Coursera

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Read more: Cryptocurrency: What Is It and How Does It Work?How does crypto work?Cryptocurrency owners keep their currency in digital wallets, which are data-driven versions of money storage. Crypto owners can use it to buy products over the internet. But instead of a bank or a company, like PayPal or Visa, verifying the transaction, the blockchain records and verifies transfers of crypto. In fact, all cryptocurrency transactions are stored on the blockchain, which is a peer-to-peer ledger that is publicly visible. The currency stays secure thanks to a complex process of safeguarding called cryptography, which is where cryptocurrency gets its name. 

Read more: What Is a Cryptographer? Career Guide

MiningA centralized authority, like a federal bank, cannot issue cryptocurrency. It must enter the market differently. One way that happens is through a process known as mining. Mining refers to using computers to solve complicated mathematical puzzles in order to receive cryptocurrency. The act of mining requires a lot of computing power, and people who mine receive crypto as a reward for their efforts. Buying, selling, and storingEverything about cryptocurrency happens online. To buy, sell, or digitally store cryptocurrencies, users need a digital wallet and access to an exchange platform. There are many specific cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Coinbase, but users can also buy, sell, and store crypto through financial services outlets, such as PayPal. You can purchase crypto with traditional currencies, like the US dollar, and increasingly with ACH (automated clearing house) transfers directly from a bank. While a few exchanges allow users to buy crypto with a credit card, it is uncommon. 

Read more: Cryptocurrency: What Is It and How Does It Work?Transacting or investingCrypto has two primary functions. It serves as a legitimate form of payment for goods and services, in the same way traditional money does. It also has a secondary function as an investment. Both functions have their benefits and drawbacks. What can you do with cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency functions like a cross between traditional currency and stock. Some people like the anonymity of cryptocurrency, as it shields their buying and selling behavior from companies like banks and government agencies. Increasingly, users have bought crypto as an investment, with the hopes of “cashing out” their crypto wallets at a point in the future when their digital currency has increased in value.

Types of cryptoOver 20,000 kinds of cryptocurrency exist today , and not all are created equal [1]. To understand the ins and outs of cryptocurrency, you need to know the functions of each product. BitcoinAs the most popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is a leader in the space. Built on blockchain technology, it debuted in 2009 but didn't function as a legitimate form of payment until 2012, when WordPress decided to take it. Originally inexpensive, Bitcoin’s popularity has caused its price to increase since it was first launched greatly. In 2021, the cost of a single Bitcoin hit $68,000 [2,3], falling just over $20,000 in late 2022 [3]. Users are able to buy fractions of a Bitcoin that function like cents to the dollar.  AltcoinAltcoin refers to any cryptocurrency that is not Bitcoin. This includes popular currencies, such as Dogecoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, as well as lesser-known options, such as Shiba Inu and Terra. Crypto tokensIt’s tempting to think that crypto tokens are just like crypto coins—and some people use the term interchangeably— but there are important differences. While they function in similar ways, tokens have a few important distinctions. Here are some differences between coins and tokens:

Unlike coins, users typically cannot mine crypto tokens. Crypto coins don’t have their own blockchain record, and instead, run “on top of” a blockchain used by another cryptocurrency. 

The best-known example of crypto tokens is NFTs or non-fungible tokens.

Benefits of crypto

There are several advantages of using crypto over traditional money. From its ease of use to its availability and security, cryptocurrency has become a viable alternative to traditional money by offering users new and unique features. They include: Very low transactions costs. The blockchain that supports cryptocurrency replaces traditional payment processors that verify payments and transfers. By removing the middleman from the equation, crypto allows users to make purchases with much lower fees than typical currency. 

Anyone can use it. Cryptocurrency holds a great value for people who lack access to banks Unlike setting up a bank account, which often requires several layers of identification and documentation, users need only a smartphone or access to the internet to use cryptocurrency. 

No limits on transactions. The lack of a centralized authority means that no one can impose limits on crypto transactions. Crypto users are free to use their assets as often as they like without any restrictions on the number of purchases or withdrawals. 

Sends funds locally and internationally. Because crypto only exists online, it’s easy to transfer money anywhere. 

24/7 access to your money. Crypto doesn’t keep bankers’ hours. The publicly available record is viewable all the time, and users do not have to wait for access to their funds. 

Private and secure. The technology that powers cryptocurrency—the blockchain—ensures users stay anonymous. And advanced cryptography practices ensure that digital currency is safe from thieves. Bitcoin has never been hacked to date; however, scamming and fraud are common in the crypto space as with all currencies. 

Decentralized. Cryptocurrencies do not need a government or company to record transactions, issue new currency, or record investments. No bad economic policy or bank breakup can directly affect their value.What to be mindful of in cryptoDespite having several benefits, cryptocurrency has its share of drawbacks. The things to keep in mind stem from how new it is and may clear up with time. Others are intrinsic and are part of the complexity inherent in crypto. Here are some factors to consider when using cryptocurrency: 

High risk. Because they are largely unregulated, cryptocurrencies come with a notable degree of risk for investors. They are not guaranteed by any government and are subject to a hard-to-anticipate demand cycle. 

Not everyone understands it. The open nature of cryptocurrency means that many users and investors may not act in the same way that sophisticated financial players who play the stock market behave. Until cryptocurrencies become better understood, their true value will remain unknown. 

Value is tied to online speculations. On its own, digital currency has no value. Crypto is not bound to anything with inherent physical value, like gold. Its value completely depends on the market—in other words, people's opinions of how valuable it is or isn't. 

Where to buy cryptocurrencyIf you’re interested in obtaining crypto, you need to find specialized online locations that cater to crypto users and traders. Traditional brokersMany long-standing institutions have begun to offer consumers the option of buying crypto. These platforms also allow users to purchase other financial products, such as stocks and bonds. Traditional brokers tend to offer low trading costs but fewer crypto-specific options than cryptocurrency exchanges. Cryptocurrency exchangesFor years, digital exchanges were the only places to buy and store cryptocurrency. But, as interest in crypto continues to rise, many digital exchanges have emerged to allow users to buy, sell, or trade them. Some, like Coinbase, offer rewards similar to a savings account at a traditional bank, such as a 2 percent APY (annual percentage yield) on the total value of the digital holding kept in the exchange. Be sure to read the fine print, however, as exchanges include asset-based fees. Common crypto terms you should knowBefore you begin to buy or trade cryptocurrency, you should familiarize yourself with terms you’ll likely hear and read about. 

TermDescriptionBlockchainA publicly available database that stores a complete record of crypto transactions.DecentralizedThis refers to the way cryptocurrency is overseen. No single entity or government controls crypto.Distributed ledger technology (DLT)A form of digital recordkeeping that exists in many locations at the same time; blockchain is the most common exampleBitcoinThe best-known and most valuable cryptocurrencyAltcoinsAny cryptocurrency that is not Bitcoin; Ethereum, Tether, USD Coin, and Solana are examplesExchangeA website or app that allows users to buy, sell, and transfer cryptocurrencyWalletA secure digital holding place for cryptocurrencyWhat are the skills you need to trade crypto?

Anyone can trade crypto, but to become successful, you’ll need a solid understanding of the crypto market and what causes it to move. In addition to forecasting and identifying trends, you’ll need to know about established products like Bitcoin and Ethereum as well as new, up-and-coming coins, crypto tokens, and more. You’ll also want to know how to use the tools of the trade, understand the benefits of different digital exchanges, and be familiar with traditional investment strategies. What courses can help with crypto investments?

Several courses are available to help you learn all about cryptocurrency and develop the skills you need to trade crypto successfully. They include: 

Becoming an employed professional crypto trader

If you want to become a crypto trader, you must reliably make money by buying and selling crypto products, such as cryptocurrency and crypto tokens. You will be considered a professional if you consistently use a trading platform to make money. If you want to become employed as a crypto trader with a brokerage house, you’ll need to prove your worth by demonstrating a knowledge of the market, tools, and strategies that lead to long-term success. Non-trading crypto jobs: current and future roles

You can also get a job in the crypto industry without buying and selling products. As cryptocurrency continues to gain popularity, it has created more jobs. Some roles include:

Web developersUX engineersProject managersMarketers

If you’re serious about getting into crypto’s technical side, earning a degree that involves coursework in blockchain is a great way to start. 

Novice investors interested in crypto often want professional guidance from knowledgeable financial analysts who can reliably stay on top of market trends and forecast the future of digital currencies. Do you need a degree to trade crypto?

You won’t need any formal education to trade crypto. However, if you’re serious about becoming a professionally employed trader, earning a degree can vastly improve your chances of landing a job. Many companies hiring in the crypto space require a degree in business, finance, or computer science, depending on which position you’d like. If you want to trade crypto, many companies prefer that you hold a degree in finance. For building crypto applications and platforms, you’ll need at least a degree in computer science. If you want to work for a brokerage firm analyzing crypto, a degree in data science can help. Cryptocurrency career outlookIn 2021, the number of crypto-related jobs posted on LinkedIn grew by 395 percent over the previous year [4]. The industry has more than doubled in size in a single year—most of which occurred during a pandemic. As the market for crypto continues to heat up, people with knowledge and experience in the field should continue to be in high demand. Get startedTo learn more about crypto, many options are available on Coursera. By taking online courses, you can develop your skills and understanding of this complex field from your own home. 

Start laying a solid foundation by taking the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Explained course offered by the University of Michigan.

Article sources1. CoinMarketCap. "Today's Cryptocurrency Prices by Market Cap, https://coinmarketcap.com/." Accessed March 10, 2023.2. Forbes. “What is Cryptocurrency and How Does it Work?, https://www.forbes.com/advisor/in/investing/what-is-cryptocurrency-and-how-does-it-work/.” Accessed March 10, 2023. 3. CoinMarketCap. "Bitcoin, https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/." Accessed March 10, 20234. LinkedIn News. “Crypto-related job postings skyrocketed last year, according to a recent LinkedIn analysis, pointing to disruption across industries. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/linkedin-news_theworkshift-economy-labormarket-activity-6887062336839016450-67iT/.” Accessed March 10, 2023.View all sourcesKeep readingUpdated on Nov 30, 2023Written by:CCoursera StaffEditorial TeamCoursera’s editorial team is comprised of highly experienced professional editors, writers, and fact...This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

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Crypto Prices, Charts and Cryptocurrency Market Cap | CoinCodex

Crypto Prices, Charts and Cryptocurrency Market Cap | CoinCodex

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HomeLive Crypto Prices and Cryptocurrency Market CapThe total cryptocurrency market cap is currently $ 2.52T, an increase of 0.59% over the last 24 hours. Read more Hotspot 1231231230255075100123Bitcoin Dominance: 24H7D1M3M6MYTD1Y3Y5YALL0255075100123Market Cap: $ 0.0024H7D1M3M6MYTD1Y3Y5YALLADChange Last24 hoursShow Top100 CoinsExchangeAll ExchangesAll ExchangesSectorWatchlistCustomizeReset1H24H7D1M3M6MYTD1Y3Y5YATH#NamePrice 24H CHG 24H Change M. CapMarket Cap 24h Volume Actions 1 BTCBitcoin $ 66,680 0.83% $ 1.31T $ 74.49B 2 ETHEthereum $ 3,790.15 -0.28% $ 455.25B $ 46.56B 3 USDTTether $ 1.000410 0.03% $ 100.77B $ 201.17B 4 BNBBinance Coin $ 433.23 6.04% $ 64.79B $ 4.26B 5 SOLSolana $ 140.50 8.24% $ 62.24B $ 10.92B 6 XRPXRP $ 0.623762 2.19% $ 34.10B $ 4.40B 7 USDCUSD Coin $ 1.00 0.00% $ 29.13B $ 7.15B 8 ADACardano $ 0.734170 1.18% $ 24.83B $ 1.75B 9 DOGEDogecoin $ 0.153556 -8.33% $ 22.01B $ 6.22B 10 SHIBShiba Inu $ 0.00003149 -12.56% $ 18.56B $ 4.51B 11 AVAXAvalanche $ 42.87 5.52% $ 16.17B $ 1.54B 12 TRXTRON $ 0.137706 -0.09% $ 12.72B $ 651.29M13LINKChainlink14DOTPolkadot15WBTCWrapped Bitcoin16TONToncoin17MATICPolygonLoad MoreCryptocurrency FAQNeed help? Contact usWhat is a cryptocurrency?A cryptocurrency is a digital currency that keeps records about balances and transactions on a distributed ledger, which is most commonly in the form of a blockchain. Cryptocurrencies enable peer-to-peer transactions between participants across the globe on a 24/7 basis. A distributed ledger is a database with no central administrator that is maintained by a network of nodes. In permissionless distributed ledgers, anyone is able to join the network and operate a node. In permissioned distributed ledgers, the ability to operate a node is reserved for a pre-approved group of entities. Top cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum employ a permissionless design, in which anyone can participate in the process of establishing consensus regarding the current state of the ledger. This enables a high degree of decentralization and resiliency, making it very difficult for a single entity to arbitrarily change the history of transactions.How does a cryptocurrency work?Cryptocurrency works through networks of nodes that are constantly communicating with each other to stay updated about the current state of the ledger. With permissionless cryptocurrencies, a node can be operated by anyone, provided they have the necessary technical knowledge, computer hardware and bandwidth. However, not all cryptocurrencies work in the same way. While all cryptocurrencies leverage cryptographic methods to some extent (hence the name), we can now find a number of different cryptocurrency designs that all have their own strengths and weaknesses. The two major categories of cryptocurrencies are Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake. Proof-of-Work coins use mining, while Proof-of-Stake coins use staking to achieve consensus about the state of the ledger. In order to send and receive a cryptocurrency, you need a cryptocurrency wallet. A cryptocurrency wallet is software that manages private and public keys. In the case of Bitcoin, as long as you control the private key necessary to transact with your BTC, you can send your BTC to anyone in the world for any reason.How are crypto prices calculated?Crypto prices are calculated by averaging cryptocurrency exchange rates on different cryptocurrency trading platforms. This way, we can determine an average price that reflects cryptocurrency market conditions as accurately as possible. Cryptocurrency exchanges provide markets where cryptocurrencies are bought and sold 24/7. Depending on the exchange, cryptocurrencies can be traded against other cryptocurrencies (for example BTC/ETH) or against fiat currencies like USD or EUR (for example BTC/USD). On exchanges, traders submit orders that specify either the highest price at which they’re willing to buy the cryptocurrency, or the lowest price at which they’re willing to sell. These market dynamics ultimately determine the current price of any given cryptocurrency. CoinCodex tracks more than 400 crypto exchanges and thousands of trading pairs to make sure that our data is as reliable as possible. Generally, cryptocurrency price data will be more reliable for the most popular cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum enjoy high levels of liquidity and trade at similar rates regardless of which specific cryptocurrency exchange you’re looking at. A liquid market has many participants and a lot of trading volume - in practice, this means that your trades will execute quickly and at a predictable price. In an illiquid market, you might have to wait for a while before someone is willing to take the other side of your trade, and the price could even be affected significantly by your order. For smaller alternative cryptocurrencies or altcoins, there can be noticeable price discrepancies across different exchanges. At CoinCodex, we weigh the price data by volume so that the most active markets have the biggest influence on the prices we’re displaying.Which is the best cryptocurrency?Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency and enjoys the most adoption among both individuals and businesses. However, there are many different cryptocurrencies that all have their own advantages or disadvantages. If you value a highly secure and decentralized network above all, Bitcoin is probably your best bet. This is because the Bitcoin network consists of thousands of nodes spread geographically and is secured by a massive amount of computing power. On the other hand, if you require transactions to be very fast and cheap, Bitcoin is probably not the best choice due to the relative inefficiency of its Proof-of-Work design. In that case, you might want to consider using a cryptocurrency like XRP or Stellar Lumens instead. If you want to use decentralized applications and need smart contract functionality, a cryptocurrency such as Ethereum or EOS would be the best choice. The cryptocurrencies listed here are used as examples to illustrate the point that the best cryptocurrency depends on your specific requirements and use case.Who invented cryptocurrency?Cryptocurrency was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto, which is the pseudonym used by the inventor of Bitcoin. Even though digital currency concepts existed before Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto was the first to create a peer-to-peer digital currency that reliably solved the issues facing previous digital money projects. Bitcoin was initially proposed in 2008 and launched in early 2009. Following the invention of Bitcoin, thousands of projects have attempted to imitate Bitcoin’s success or improve upon the original Bitcoin design by leveraging new technologies.What is the market cap of a cryptocurrency?Crypto market capitalization or "crypto market cap" for short is a widely used metric that is commonly used to compare the relative size of different cryptocurrencies. On CoinCodex, market cap is the default metric by which we rank cryptocurrencies on our frontpage. We also track the total cryptocurrency market cap by adding together the market cap of all the cryptocurrencies listed on CoinCodex. The total market cap provides an estimate on whether the cryptocurrency market as a whole is growing or declining.How is crypto market cap calculated?We calculate a cryptocurrency’s market cap by taking the cryptocurrency’s price per unit and multiplying it with the cryptocurrency’s circulating supply. The formula is simple: Market Cap = Price * Circulating Supply. Circulating supply refers to the amount of units of a cryptocurrency that currently exist and can be transacted with. Let’s quickly calculate the market cap of Bitcoin as an example. The Bitcoin price is currently $66,680 and there are 19.65 million BTC coins in circulation. If we use the formula from above, we multiply the two numbers and arrive at a market cap of $1.31 billion.Does market cap matter in cryptocurrency?Crypto market cap matters because it is a useful way to compare different cryptocurrencies. If Coin A has a significantly higher market cap than Coin B, this tells us that Coin A is likely adopted more widely by individuals and businesses and valued higher by the market. On the other hand, it could potentially also be an indication that Coin B is undervalued relative to Coin A. Even though market cap is a widely used metric, it can sometimes be misleading. A good rule of thumb is that the usefulness of any given cryptocurrency’s market cap metric increases in proportion with the cryptocurrency’s trading volume. If a cryptocurrency is actively traded and has deep liquidity across many different exchanges, it becomes much harder for single actors to manipulate prices and create an unrealistic market cap for the cryptocurrency.How can a cryptocurrency increase its market cap?A cryptocurrency’s market cap increases when its price per unit increases. Alternatively, an increase in circulating supply can also lead to an increase in market cap. However, an increase in supply also tends to lead to a lower price per unit, and the two cancel each other out to a large extent. In practice, an increase in price per unit is the main way in which a cryptocurrency’s market cap grows.What is Bitcoin’s market cap?The Bitcoin market cap is currently $1.31 billion. We arrive at this figure by multiplying the price of 1 BTC and the circulating supply of Bitcoin. The Bitcoin price is currently $66,680 and its circulating supply is 19.65 million. If we multiply these two numbers, we arrive at a market cap of $1.31 billion. What is cryptocurrency circulating supply?The circulating supply of a cryptocurrency is the amount of units that is currently available for use. Let’s use Bitcoin as an example. There is a rule in the Bitcoin code which says that only 21 million Bitcoins can ever be created. The circulating supply of Bitcoin started off at 0 but immediately started growing as new blocks were mined and new BTC coins were being created to reward the miners. Currently, there are around 18.52 million Bitcoins in existence, and this number will keep growing until the 21 millionth BTC is mined. Since 19.65 million BTC have been mined so far, we say that this is the circulating supply of Bitcoin.What is an altcoin?An altcoin is any cryptocurrency that is not Bitcoin. The word "altcoin" is short for "alternative coin", and is commonly used by cryptocurrency investors and traders to refer to all coins other than Bitcoin. Thousands of altcoins have been created so far following Bitcoin’s launch in 2009.What is the difference between Bitcoin and altcoins?Bitcoin is the oldest and most established cryptocurrency, and has a market cap that is larger than all of the other cryptocurrencies combined. Bitcoin is also the most widely adopted cryptocurrency, and is accepted by practically all businesses that deal with cryptocurrency. However, Bitcoin is far from the only player in the game, and there are numerous altcoins that have reached multi-billion dollar valuations. The second largest cryptocurrency is Ethereum, which supports smart contracts and allows users to make highly complex decentralized applications. In fact, Ethereum has grown so large that the word "altcoin" is rarely used to describe it now. Generally, altcoins attempt to improve upon the basic design of Bitcoin by introducing technology that is absent from Bitcoin. This includes privacy technologies, different distributed ledger architectures and consensus mechanisms.What is a stablecoin?A stablecoin is a crypto asset that maintains a stable value regardless of market conditions. This is most commonly achieved by pegging the stablecoin to a specific fiat currency such as the US dollar. Stablecoins are useful because they can still be transacted on blockchain networks while avoiding the price volatility of "normal" cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Outside of stablecoins, cryptocurrency prices can change rapidly, and it’s not uncommon to see the crypto market gain or lose more than 10% in a single day. Now, let’s provide a simple theoretical example of how the value of stablecoins actually stays stable. Let’s say that a company creates Stablecoin X (SCX), which is designed to trade as closely to $1 as possible at all times. The company will hold USD reserves equal to the number of SCX tokens in circulation, and will provide users the option to redeem 1 SCX token for $1. If the price of SCX is lower than $1, demand for SCX will increase because traders will buy it and redeem it for a profit. This will drive the price of SCX back towards $1. Tether’s USDT was the first stablecoin ever launched, and is still the most popular option on the market.What is DeFi?The term DeFi (decentralized finance) is used to refer to a wide variety of decentralized applications that enable financial services such as lending, borrowing and trading. DeFi applications are built on top of blockchain platforms such as Ethereum and allow anyone to access these financial services simply by using their cryptocurrency wallets. To give you a better idea of what kind of use cases are enabled by DeFi applications, let’s quickly go through some major DeFi apps and what they accomplish: Maker: Users can post their cryptocurrencies as collateral to receive a loan in the form of Dai stablecoins Compound: Users can borrow cryptocurrency or loan out their cryptocurrency to earn interest Uniswap: Users can swap between different Ethereum-based tokens in a decentralized manner dYdX: A decentralized platform where users can go long or short on cryptocurrencies What are the top 10 cryptocurrencies?The top 10 cryptocurrencies are ranked by their market capitalization. Even though 10 is an arbitrarily selected number, being in the top 10 by market capitalization is a sign that the cryptocurrency enjoys a lot of relevance in the crypto market. The crypto top 10 changes frequently because of the high volatility of crypto prices. Despite this, Bitcoin and Ethereum have been ranked #1 and #2, respectively, for several years now.What cryptocurrency should I buy?If you want to invest in cryptocurrency, you should first do your own research on the cryptocurrency market. There are multiple factors that could influence your decision, including how long you intend to hold cryptocurrency, your risk appetite, financial standing, etc. It’s worth noting that most cryptocurrency investors hold Bitcoin, even if they are also investing in other cryptocurrencies. The reason why most cryptocurrency investors hold some BTC is that Bitcoin enjoys the reputation of being the most secure, stable and decentralized cryptocurrency.How can I buy a coin I like?If you want to buy a particular cryptocurrency but don’t know how to do it, CoinCodex is a great resource to help you out. Find the cryptocurrency you’re looking for on CoinCodex and click the "Exchanges" tab. There, you will be able to find a list of all the exchanges where the selected cryptocurrency is traded. Once you find the exchange that suits you best, you can register an account and buy the cryptocurrency there. You can also follow cryptocurrency prices on CoinCodex to spot potential buying opportunities.What is the difference between token and coin?A coin is a cryptocurrency that is the native asset on its own blockchain. These cryptocurrencies are required to pay for transaction fees and basic operations on the blockchain. BTC (Bitcoin) and ETH (Ethereum) are examples of coins. Tokens, on the other hand, are crypto assets that have been issued on top of other blockchain networks. The most popular platform for issuing tokens is Ethereum, and examples of Ethereum-based tokens are MKR, UNI and YFI. Even though you can freely transact with these tokens, you cannot use them to pay Ethereum transaction fees.What is blockchain and how is it connected with cryptocurrency?A blockchain is a type of distributed ledger that is useful for recording the transactions and balances of different participants. All transactions are stored in blocks, which are generated periodically and linked together with cryptographic methods. Once a block is added to the blockchain, data contained within it cannot be changed, unless all subsequent blocks are changed as well. A cryptocurrency wouldn’t be very useful if anyone could just change the history of transactions to their own liking - the point of cryptocurrency is that you can be sure that your coins belong to you only and that your balances will not change arbitrarily. This is why reaching consensus is of utmost importance. In Bitcoin, miners use their computer hardware to solve resource-intensive mathematical problems. The miner that reaches the correct solution first gets to add the next block to the Bitcoin blockchain, and receives a BTC reward in return. With a blockchain, it’s possible for participants from across the world to verify and agree on the current state of the ledger. Blockchain was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto for the purposes of Bitcoin. Other developers have expanded upon Satoshi Nakamoto’s idea and created new types of blockchains – in fact, blockchains also have several uses outside of cryptocurrencies.What is cryptocurrency/Bitcoin mining?Cryptocurrency mining is the process of adding new blocks to a blockchain and earning cryptocurrency rewards in return. Cryptocurrency miners use computer hardware to solve complex mathematical problems. These problems are very resource-intensive, resulting in heavy electricity consumption. The miner that provides the correct solution to the problem first gets to add the new block of transactions to the blockchain and receives a reward in return for their work. Bitcoin miners are rewarded with BTC, Ethereum miners are rewarded with ETH, and so forth. Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin feature an algorithm that adjusts the mining difficulty depending on how much computing power is being used to mine it. In other words – as more and more people and businesses start mining Bitcoin, mining Bitcoin becomes more difficult and resource-intensive. This feature is implemented so that the Bitcoin block time remains close to its 10 minute target and the supply of BTC follows a predictable curve. Cryptocurrencies that reach consensus through mining are referred to as Proof-of-Work coins. However, alternative designs such as Proof-of-Stake are used by some cryptocurrencies instead of mining.How can I find historical crypto market cap and crypto price data?You can find historical crypto market cap and crypto price data on CoinCodex, a comprehensive platform for crypto charts and prices. After you find the cryptocurrency you’re interested in on CoinCodex, such as Bitcoin, head over to the "Historical" tab and you will be able to access a full overview of the coin’s price history. For any given coin, you will be able to select a custom time period, data frequency, and currency. The feature is free to use and you can also export the data if you want to analyze it further. How many cryptocurrencies exist?There are thousands of different cryptocurrencies. On CoinCodex, you can find crypto prices for over 30100 cryptocurrencies, and we are listing new cryptocurrencies every single day.What is an ICO?ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering and refers to a method of raising capital for cryptocurrency and blockchain-related projects. Typically, a project will create a token and present their idea in a whitepaper. The project will then offer the tokens for sale to raise the capital necessary for funding development. Even though there have been many successful ICOs to date, investors need to be very careful if they are interested in purchasing tokens in an ICO. ICOs are largely unregulated, and very risky.How is an IEO or STO different from an ICO?STOs and IEOs are alternative token sale models that emerged after ICOs started to fade in popularity. IEO stands for Initial Exchange Offering. IEOs share a lot of similarities with ICOs. They are both largely unregulated token sales, with the main difference being that ICOs are conducted by the projects that are selling the tokens, while IEOs are conducted through cryptocurrency exchanges. Cryptocurrency exchanges have an incentive to screen projects before they conduct a token sale for them, so the quality of IEOs tends to be better on average than the quality of ICOs.What is a cryptocurrency exchange?A cryptocurrency exchange is a platform that facilitates markets for cryptocurrency trading. Some examples of cryptocurrency exchanges include Binance, Bitstamp and Kraken. These platforms are designed to provide the best possible prices for both buyers and sellers. Some exchanges only offer cryptocurrency markets, while others also allow users to exchange between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies such as the US dollar or the euro. You can buy and sell Bitcoin on practically all cryptocurrency exchanges, but some exchanges list hundreds of different cryptocurrencies. One metric that is important for comparing cryptocurrency exchanges is trading volume. If trading volume is high, your trades will execute fast and at predictable prices.How do I use the crypto charts on CoinCodex?CoinCodex provides all the data you need to stay informed about cryptocurrencies. You can find cryptocurrency charts for more than 30100 coins, and access key data such as up-to-date prices, all-time high price, cryptocurrency market cap, trading volume and more. The crypto charts provided by CoinCodex are incredibly flexible – you can watch real-time prices or select between 8 pre-defined time frames, ranging from 24 hours to the entire price history of the coin. If you need more precision, you can select a custom date range. CoinCodex also gives you the ability to compare the price action of different cryptocurrencies on a single chart.What is a cryptocurrency?How does a cryptocurrency work?How are crypto prices calculated?Which is the best cryptocurrency?Who invented cryptocurrency?What is the market cap of a cryptocurrency?How is crypto market cap calculated?Does market cap matter in cryptocurrency?How can a cryptocurrency increase its market cap?What is Bitcoin’s market cap?What is cryptocurrency circulating supply?What is an altcoin?What is the difference between Bitcoin and altcoins?What is a stablecoin?What is DeFi?What are the top 10 cryptocurrencies?What cryptocurrency should I buy?How can I buy a coin I like?What is the difference between token and coin?What is blockchain and how is it connected with cryptocurrency?What is cryptocurrency/Bitcoin mining?How can I find historical crypto market cap and crypto price data?How many cryptocurrencies exist?What is an ICO?How is an IEO or STO different from an ICO?What is a cryptocurrency exchange?How do I use the crypto charts on CoinCodex?

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What is Crypto? - Decrypt

is Crypto? - DecryptWhat is Crypto?Coin PricesBitcoin$66,750.000.99%Ethereum$3,785.90-0.54%BNB$433.136.35%Solana$140.548.51%XRP$0.6230442.41%Cardano$0.733371.17%Dogecoin$0.153574-7.99%Shiba Inu$0.00003151-13.45%Avalanche$42.855.43%Polkadot$10.435.39%TRON$0.1375980.28%Chainlink$19.932.70%Uniswap$14.96-3.33%Polygon$1.147.58%Wrapped Bitcoin$66,739.000.35%Bitcoin Cash$409.350.42%Internet Computer$14.763.75%Litecoin$85.521.30%NEAR Protocol$5.6827.95%Cosmos Hub$13.8312.17%Ethereum Classic$36.862.28%LEO Token$5.660.98%Filecoin$9.775.08%Aptos$13.56-2.18%Cronos$0.1529712.15%Stellar$0.1409774.34%Injective$41.919.96%Render$9.6836.34%VeChain$0.047604224.90%OKB$56.073.12%Lido DAO$3.341.65%Theta Network$2.92-4.29%Pepe$0.00000677-12.54%Monero$143.33-3.62%Arweave$38.9919.78%Fantom$0.79624117.88%Algorand$0.26774212.97%Bitcoin SV$102.440.45%Maker$2,094.810.68%Bonk$0.00002908-15.43%Aave$124.229.81%THORChain$5.819.86%The Sandbox$0.6948815.72%Axie Infinity$10.687.89%Synthetix Network$4.505.48%ApeCoin$2.194.53%Chiliz$0.149760.95%Tezos$1.447.32%Decentraland$0.6792936.89%KuCoin$13.09-0.49%EOS$1.0967.28%NEO$16.900.41%Oasis Network$0.1733219.31%Worldcoin$7.369.47%Blur$0.6746614.15%Curve DAO$0.7901611.51%PancakeSwap$3.378.50%Enjin Coin$0.5430071.87%Terra$1.10-9.05%1inch$0.6231753.19%Celo$1.2312.49%Zilliqa$0.035333842.76%Compound$88.521.95%Chia$52.453.64%Basic Attention$0.3370997.39%Zcash$33.819.11%NEM$0.0542649.64%0x Protocol$0.54990728.27%Dash$39.535.02%Harmony$0.0354811112.49%EthereumPoW$4.000.28%Audius$0.3107212.81%Sushi$1.90-1.78%Lisk$2.14-11.03%WAX$0.0837456.63%Smooth Love Potion$0.006040193.82%DigiByte$0.014303511.48%IOST$0.0126926112.11%Olympus$11.890.87%Hive$0.45728213.89%Horizen$12.195.35%Secret$0.6551392.87%Metal DAO$2.68-19.84%OMG Network$1.173.50%Gemini Dollar$1.000.70%Kyber Network Crystal$0.8527578.41%Steem$0.316959.59%Loom Network (NEW)$0.1086385.98%Civic$0.14856417.88%Gods Unchained$0.41142312.60%Celsius Network$0.27203210.06%Electroneum$0.0053422810.07%Request$0.1248392.78%Orchid Protocol$0.1482214.28%Kin$0.000021730.25%Augur$1.353.27%SpankChain$0.00700828-7.61%PoolTogether$0.4299452.21%OST$0.0004237310.50%Terra Classic (Wormhole)$0.00019414-8.81%FTX$2.676.01%Price data byADDecryptUniversityExplainersTechnology GuidesWhat is Crypto?Cryptocurrencies are digital tokens that use cryptography for their creation and security. Bitcoin was the first, but thousands more have come.By Matt Hussey and Daniel RobertsFeb 26, 2021Mar 1, 20215 min readCreate an account to save your articles.Your Web3 Gaming Power-UpEnjoy exclusive benefits with the GG Membership PassDecrypt’s Art, Fashion, and Entertainment Hub.Discover SCENEIn the past few years, thousands of new cryptocurrencies have appeared, all claiming to offer something a little different. Bitcoin was the first, and its value famously rose to around $20,000 in late 2017, then crashed more than 60% in early 2018. Bitcoin took three years to get back to its prior high, and then, at the end of 2020, it doubled in less than a month. In 2021, big companies are buying in, and notable Wall Street skeptics are changing their tune.Crypto is becoming impossible to ignore.But let's zoom out. What are cryptocurrencies, how do they work, and why are people so excited by them? You're in the right place to learn.ADADWhat is cryptocurrency?A cryptocurrency is a digital-only token. It uses cryptography (hence the shortened name, "crypto") to regulate how the tokens are created, how they're traded, and how secure they are. And (here's the key appeal for many) it doesn't use or need a central bank or government to control or manage them.Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency, created by a person (or persons) using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, first outlined in October 2008 in a white paper calling the concept "A peer-to-peer electronic cash system." The Bitcoin blockchain, the network on which Bitcoin runs, launched in January 2009. (Nowadays there are many other blockchains.)In essence, cryptocurrencies are:

Digital: Cryptocurrencies are completely native to the internet. You can't physically touch or hold them. (Yes, those illustrations of Bitcoins as physical gold coins with a B on them can be misleading.)

Decentralized: All cryptocurrency transactions are stored on a public, global list or ledger. That means the records are stored in many different places (nodes) at once.

Peer-to-peer: Cryptocurrencies are exchanged between parties electronically without one central party or middle man needed to approve the transaction.

How are cryptocurrencies created?Most cryptocurrencies (but not all) generate new units or coins through the process of mining. This is where individuals or groups (miners) use expensive computers that race to solve complicated cryptographic puzzles to verify bundles of transaction records (blocks) to the ledger.Miners get rewarded for their efforts, which is how new coins get created. (On the Bitcoin blockchain, the mining reward is halved every four years as a measure to slow the creation of new Bitcoins.)ADADHow are cryptocurrencies being used?These days, there are debates over whether cryptocurrencies really behave like currency, or if they're treated more like commodities. (Some people say they should be called "digital assets" rather than cryptocurrencies.) But cryptocurrencies weren't created just to be an alternative to your $ and £. They can be used for lots of different things. These are just three examples of those that followed Bitcoin:

Litecoin - the Litecoin blockchain was created in 2011 as a fork (tweak in the code) of the Bitcoin blockchain; its creator Charlie Lee intended it as a silver to Bitcoin's gold. Its token is LTC.

Ethereum - the Ethereum blockchain launched in 2015 and is specifically designed to power decentralized apps (Dapps) and smart contractson its network. Its token is Ether or ETH.

Filecoin - the Filecoin network, launched in 2020, allows people to rent computer storage space, like Dropbox for the decentralized web. Its token is FIL.

Bitcoin was invented to be a form of digital money, but since then cryptocurrencies have become more sophisticated.The evolution of cryptocurrencies has been so rapid that to help you understand how it evolved, we've created this table to show how some of the largest cryptocurrencies are trying to solve different problems.3 Generations of CryptoWhy are there so many?Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency and it solved some of the key problems of creating digital money. But it wasn't without its flaws. (See this article on Bitcoin's limitations.) As a result, developers, entrepreneurs, and programmers have been busy trying to build cryptocurrencies that serve a variety of different needs and fix different problems.What's the appeal of cryptocurrencies over government-issued currencies?

They're semi-anonymous. Cryptocurrencies can be designed so that no one can see who you are or what you're spending your crypto on—though the transactions associated with a wallet address are publicly viewable.

They're not controlled by a government. People in unstable countries where currencies are volatile can use cryptocurrencies as an alternative way to buy goods and services.

They're borderless. Just like the internet, cryptocurrencies can go anywhere.

They're more secure. Distributed ledgers are very difficult to hack, since there's no one centralized party in control.

Transactions are cheaper and faster. While cryptocurrency exchanges do charge fees for you to buy, sell, or transfer your crypto, the fees tend to be much lower than what it costs to move money across borders in the real world—and transactions are verified much faster.

They can be used to carry out contracts. Cryptocurrencies aren't just used as a form of money. They can be used to store contracts between people, and can carry out these contracts automatically.

The futureWe're still right at the beginning of the cryptocurrency age. Many coins will come and go, and some will become incredibly valuable, while others might drop to zero.But cryptocurrencies as a whole, the technology and industry around them, are here to stay.Stay on top of crypto news, get daily updates in your inbox.Your EmailGet it!Get it!Learn about Crypto & earn your NFT certificate of completion!Sign up for free online courses covering the most important core topics in the crypto universe and earn your on-chain certificate - demonstrating your new knowledge of major Web3 topics.Browse all available coursesADYour gateway into the world of Web3PartnerNewsDeep DivesUniversityCoinsVideosNewslettersEvent CalendarNews ExplorerAboutTeamDisclosuresManifestoTerms of ServiceCode of Conduct1000x Member Terms of ServicePrivacy PolicyContactCareersJobsShopSUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTERThe latest news, articles, and resources, sent to your inbox weekly.Subscribe© A next-generation media company. 2024 Decrypt Media, I

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深入理解 node 中的 crypto 加密模块 - 知乎

深入理解 node 中的 crypto 加密模块 - 知乎首发于前端之家切换模式写文章登录/注册深入理解 node 中的 crypto 加密模块小蚊子我们在日常的业务中经常会遇到这样的场景:对比两个文件的内容是否相同;生成 token;密码保护;加密和解密数据;等等,有各种各样的需要加密的场景。在 node 中也有原生的 crypto 模块,该模块提供了 hash、hmac、加密解密、签名、验证功能等一整套的封装。使用const crypto = require('crypto');即可引入该模块。1. hash 算法hash 算法也被称为摘要算法,该算法可以将任意长度的数据,转换为固定长度的 hash 值,这种方式具有不可逆性。你可以把一本小说转换为 hash 数据,但无法从这 hash 数据再逆转回一本小说。因此,若要获取 hash 的原数据,只能靠字典碰撞。该算法通常在文本校验、存储密码时用的比较多。虽然摘要算法会用于密码的存储,但严格来说,摘要算法不算做是加密算法。使用getHashes()方法,可以获取到所有支持的 hash 算法:crypto.getHashes();






























































这么多 hash 算法,我们平时用的比较多的是md5, sha1, sha256, sha512。这里把同一个文本,按照不同的摘要算法来生成 hash 值:// text 要摘要的文本

// hashtype 摘要的算法

function createHash(text, hashtype) {

const hash = crypto.createHash(hashtype).update(text).digest("hex");

console.log(hashtype, hash, hash.length);


hashes.forEach((type) => {

createHash("蚊子", type);


生成的结果:md5 37725295ea78b626efcf77768be478cb 32

sha1 21f226b5a07ed3f74e6ae07e994f36d6a9bf6fac 40

sha256 a200ce289b67afbfb6fbc3d7dd33f7ef493daef64fb159c2e48e8534a0289a9b 64

sha512 b88bd9eac191f58e06c99c256bbcfdf2945aa94b47d5e0242be1f0739bf4adccebf4753e9f38f92603fe3f52f331121540c1dda2ed91796410abcfe49a677fba 128不同的算法,生成的 hash 值的长度也不一样,碰撞成功的难度也越大。同时,update方法不止可以接收字符串,还可以接收 stream 流:const filename = "./node-crypto.md";

const hash = crypto.createHash("sha1");

const fsStream = fs.createReadStream(filename);

fsStream.on("readable", () => {

// 哈希流只会生成一个元素。

const data = fsStream.read();

if (data) {


} else {

// 数据接收完毕后,输出hash值

console.log(`${hash.digest("hex")} ${filename}`);



既然可以接收 stream 流的格式,那么就使用 pipe 管道进行处理:const filename = "./node-crypto.md";

const hash = crypto.createHash("sha1");

const fsStream = fs.createReadStream(filename);


hash 后传给下个管道进行处理,不过这里输出的通常会是乱码,因此这里我们自己写一个可写流:const { Writable } = require("stream");

const write = Writable();

write._write = function (data, enc, next) {

// 将流中的数据写入底层

process.stdout.write(hash.digest("hex") + "\n");

// 写入完成时,调用`next()`方法通知流传入下一个数据



fsStream.pipe(hash).pipe(write); // 正常输出hash值

2. hmac 算法我们先看下 hmac 算法的用法:const result = crypto.createHmac("sha1", "123456").update("蚊子").digest("hex");

console.log(result); // 0bdd6c1192e321e34887d965c1140be4361ada65

hmac 算法与 hash 算法的调用方式很像,但createHmac()方法这里多了一个参数,这个参数相当于密钥。密钥不一样,即使要加密的文本一样,生成的结果也会不一样。function createHmac() {

const text = "蚊子";

const key = Math.random().toString().slice(-6);

const result = crypto.createHmac("sha1", key).update(text).digest("hex");

console.log(text, key, result);


let n = 10;

while (n--) {



生成的结果:蚊子 508028 486d1f539e4bb8adfd601fd6a3302fae74043bfe

蚊子 644233 dcd6501e6eee9e1462625b50c1ff91c613559b35

蚊子 479257 752945c62b87ce1edb24661103b65e612bb849b7

蚊子 445857 0c6399758a2348ea31bc778f87f503b050e036d5

蚊子 954174 a78ff9d4301bb09d249db9fa6c9a3a28c04acff7

蚊子 629736 b7fd4d3836363f029dd9009f51ad6c14280987c1

蚊子 343366 7a8cadf5dd620f8c82315f38de1f6dc60bfc5336

蚊子 168627 cc51e4531449642a5a10357cbf8f206319fb1b1f

蚊子 103054 49b1ad9dc2de5da2cd67dc892f51718aa9475a05

蚊子 477238 82615006638be235a220bcfdee0705b5cc6551fc由此看到,hmac 算法相当于加盐版的 hash 算法,但内部具体的实现原理,恕在下才疏学浅,实在是没看懂:github-node-crypto-hmac。这种算法实现密码存储就非常的合适,碰撞成功的概率大大减少。在数据库中,我们可以这样存储:{

"username": "蚊子",

"password": "486d1f539e4bb8adfd601fd6a3302fae74043bfe",

"key": "508028"

}即使脱库得到了这些数据,反向获取到原密码的机会也非常的低。在 stream 流的操作上,hmac 算法和 hash 算法的用法一样。3. 对称加密和解密算法前面的两种方法都是不可逆的 hash 加密算法,这里我们介绍下可加密和可解密的算法。常见的对称加密算法有aes和des。crypto 模块中提供了createCipheriv和createDecipheriv来进行加密和解密的功能。之前的 createCipher 和 createDecipher 在 10.0.0 版本已经废弃了,我们这里以新的方法为例,写下加密和解密的算法。这两个方法都接收 3 个参数:algorithm:加密解密的类型;key: 加密解密的密钥:密钥必须是 8/16/32 位,如果加密算法是 128,则对应的密钥是 16 位,如果加密算法是 256,则对应的密钥是 32 位;iv: 初始向量,规则与 key 一样key 和 iv 两个参数都必须是 'utf8' 编码的字符串、Buffer、 TypedArray 或 DataView。 key 可以是 secret 类型的 KeyObject。 如果密码不需要初始化向量,则 iv 可以为 null。加密的算法:function encode(src, key, iv) {

let sign = "";

const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv("aes-128-cbc", key, iv); // createCipher在10.0.0已被废弃

sign += cipher.update(src, "utf8", "hex");

sign += cipher.final("hex");

return sign;


解密的算法:function decode(sign, key, iv) {

let src = "";

const cipher = crypto.createDecipheriv("aes-128-cbc", key, iv);

src += cipher.update(sign, "hex", "utf8");

src += cipher.final("utf8");

return src;


使用方法:const key = "37725295ea78b626"; // Buffer.from('37725295ea78b626', 'utf8');

const iv = "efcf77768be478cb"; // Buffer.from('efcf77768be478cb', 'utf8');

// console.log(key, iv);

const src = "hello, my name is wenzi! my password is `etu^&&*(^123)`";

const sign = encode(src, key, iv);

const _src = decode(sign, key, iv);

console.log("key: ", key, "iv: ", iv);

console.log("原文:", src);

console.log("加密后: ", sign);

console.log("解密后: ", _src);

// key: 37725295ea78b626 iv: efcf77768be478cb

// 原文: hello, my name is wenzi! my password is `etu^&&*(^123)`

// 加密后: ce6dc873bfd5a5ae6fe0b2bb3f3de46fb9fc15e0ffc75d12286871dbfa3ed185b3ebf60b8e16dd0057eb0750e897347abeddf5a2741944d5a307ceb25c181276

// 解密后: hello, my name is wenzi! my password is `etu^&&*(^123)`

4. 非对称加密算法我们刚才了解了下对称加密,即加密和解密用的都是相同的密钥。非对称加密相对来说,比对称加密更安全,用公钥加密的内容,必须通过对应的私钥才能解密。双方传输信息时,可以使用先使用对方的公钥进行加密,然后对方再使用自己的私钥解开即可。我们先用创建一个私钥:openssl genrsa -out rsa_private.key 1024然后根据私钥创建对应的公钥:openssl rsa -in rsa_private.key -pubout -out rsa_public.key这里我们就可以进行非对称的加密和解密了:const crypto = require("crypto");

const fs = require("fs");

const pub_key = fs.readFileSync("./rsa_public.key");

const priv_key = fs.readFileSync("./rsa_private.key");

const text = "hello, my name is 蚊子";

const secret = crypto.publicEncrypt(pub_key, Buffer.from(text));

const result = crypto.privateDecrypt(priv_key, secret);

console.log(secret); // buffer格式

console.log(result.toString()); // hello, my name is 蚊子

使用publicEncrypt进行公钥的加密过程,使用privateDecrypt进行私钥的解密过程。5. 签名在网络中传输的数据,除可使用 Cipher 类进行数据加密外,还可以对数据生成数字签名,以防止在传输过程中对数据进行修改。签名的过程与非对称加密的过程正好相反,是使用私钥进行加密签名,然后使用公钥进行解密的签名验证。const crypto = require("crypto");

const fs = require("fs");

const pub_key = fs.readFileSync("./rsa_public.key");

const priv_key = fs.readFileSync("./rsa_private.key");

const text = "hello, my name is 蚊子";

// 生成签名

const sign = crypto.createSign("RSA-SHA256");


const signed = sign.sign(priv_key, "hex");

// 验证签名

const verify = crypto.createVerify("RSA-SHA256");


const verifyResult = verify.verify(pub_key, signed, "hex");

console.log("sign", signed); // ca364a6e31c1f540737ba3efb1ddf7fa2a087c5c11efe52a9e1f2c88b1fd1e0e50f12da4f22362fdfc3d77f3f538995a27a8206d250dba3572510dfcb33064f48685b96f2b2393f56de4958448cec92a4299434aa3318efe418e166b38100bc3a1d1a9310a510087021da0f66a817043ddfd2fb88db76eb2ace480c17a7f732f

console.log("verifyResult", verifyResult); // true

生成签名的 sign 方法有两个参数,第一个参数为私钥,第二个参数为生成签名的格式,最后返回的 signed 为生成的签名(字符串)。验证签名的 verify 方法有三个参数,第一个参数为公钥,第二个参数为被验证的签名,第三个参数为生成签名时的格式,返回为布尔值,即是否通过验证。6. 总结我从简单的 hash 算法,到对称加密,最后到非对称加密和签名,都有了个大致的了解。后续我们也会对 node 的其他模块进行深入的理解。欢迎关注我的公众号:欢迎关注我的公众号发布于 2020-04-07 10:57加密Node.js加密/解密​赞同 13​​3 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请转载​文章被以下专栏收录前端之家来自腾讯的高级前端开发工程师,分享前端案例

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What Is Cryptocurrency? A Beginner’s Guide | Britannica Money

Is Cryptocurrency? A Beginner’s Guide | Britannica MoneyHistory & SocietyScience & TechBiographiesAnimals & NatureGeography & TravelArts & CultureGames & QuizzesVideosOn This DayOne Good FactDictionaryLifestyles & Social IssuesPhilosophy & ReligionPolitics, Law & GovernmentWorld HistoryHealth & MedicineScienceTechnologyBrowse BiographiesBirds, Reptiles & Other VertebratesBugs, Mollusks & Other InvertebratesEnvironmentFossils & Geologic TimeMammalsPlantsGeography & TravelEntertainment & Pop CultureLiteratureSports & RecreationVisual ArtsCompanionsDemystifiedImage GalleriesInfographicsListsPodcastsSpotlightSummariesThe ForumTop Questions#WTFact100 WomenBritannica KidsSaving EarthSpace Next 50Student CenterSubscribe NowMoney HomeHousehold FinanceInvestingRetirementHistory & TheoryTable of ContentsIntroductionIs cryptocurrency a type of money?What is blockchain?Why is blockchain encrypted?Why is blockchain considered a tech disruptor?What are the largest cryptocurrencies?What does crypto aim to achieve?How can I invest in crypto?What are the risks of investing in crypto?The bottom lineTable Of ContentsInvestingWhat are cryptocurrencies and why is the world paying attention?A crypto FAQ for beginners.Written byKarl MontevirgenKarl MontevirgenKarl Montevirgen is a professional freelance writer who specializes in the fields of finance, cryptomarkets, content strategy, and the arts. Karl works with several organizations in the equities, futures, physical metals, and blockchain industries. He holds FINRA Series 3 and Series 34 licenses in addition to a dual MFA in critical studies/writing and music composition from the California Institute of the Arts.Fact-checked byThe Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaThe Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaEncyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors.Table of ContentsIntroductionIs cryptocurrency a type of money?What is blockchain?Why is blockchain encrypted?Why is blockchain considered a tech disruptor?What are the largest cryptocurrencies?What does crypto aim to achieve?How can I invest in crypto?What are the risks of investing in crypto?The bottom lineTable Of ContentsOpen full sized imageBitcoin is a type of digital currency, created in 2009, which operates independently of any bank. Certain vendors now accept Bitcoins as payment of goods or services.© MARK GARLICK—Science Photo Library/Getty ImagesCryptocurrencies are digital assets that rely on an encrypted network to execute, verify, and record transactions, independent of a centralized authority such as a government or bank.Key PointsCryptocurrency was developed as an alternative to the dollar, and its functions can make it an attractive investment.Blockchain, the underlying technology that powers crypto, is seen as a tech disruptor.Much like dot-com investing in the 1990s, crypto may hold promise, but there will likely be winners and losers.This is a complicated concept, so let’s break it down:Cryptocurrencies (or “crypto” for short) are decentralized currencies, meaning they’re neither issued nor governed by a central bank. Some cryptocurrencies are issued by their developers, while others are generated by their respective network algorithms. Crypto are digital assets—they have no tangible form.Cryptocurrencies exist and operate on a public ledger called a blockchain, which records all crypto transactions.Blockchain encryption is designed to make all transactions immutable and secure from tampering, counterfeit, and other forms of fraudulent transactions.Is cryptocurrency a type of money?Although cryptocurrency is defined as a form of “digital currency”—implying it’s a kind of money—most businesses and consumers have not adopted it as a common medium of exchange. In other words, most stores will not accept crypto as a form of payment.Bitcoin may be an exception, as some businesses have accepted it as payment for goods and services. So, if crypto isn’t a common form of money, why do people buy it?It’s an alternative asset class. Although some crypto investors are hopeful that cryptocurrencies might someday be adopted as a form of money, most see crypto as an alternative asset that can appreciate in value.It’s a way to invest in blockchain technology. Some people purchase cryptocurrency as a way of indirectly investing in its underlying blockchain.What is blockchain?Blockchain is an encrypted public ledger through which digital assets can be transferred, recorded, and stored.It’s essentially a decentralized network, also called a distributed-ledger technology (DLT). This means there is no single authority serving as a gatekeeper or facilitator for the transactions taking place within the network.Instead, the computers participating in the network are tasked with verifying and facilitating each “block” (i.e., entry or transaction) within the chain. In some cases, all the computers work together to verify and facilitate each block action. In other cases, a group of computers is selected at random.This is what makes blockchain transactions secure and nearly impossible to alter. Tens of thousands of computers must verify a single transaction or entry. If there’s a disagreement among computers, the transaction will be voided.This verification procedure is also what can make blockchain transactions slow and energy inefficient. There are lots of computers across the globe working to verify every single transaction.Learn more about blockchain technology.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.Why is blockchain encrypted?Blockchain uses encryption to protect sensitive data from those who are not privy to receiving it.For instance, the public can see that a transaction has taken place or a piece of information has been recorded. But they may not be able to see the identities of those involved in the transaction or, in certain cases, the contents of the transaction.Why is blockchain considered a tech disruptor?Blockchain’s capacity to permanently record and store transaction records and information in a highly secure manner makes it an attractive technology for many businesses and governments. Here’s a limited list of potential use cases for blockchain:Domestic and international paymentsContractsHealth care recordsReal estate transactionsEnergy transactionsSupply chain managementDigital art transactions (see non-fungible tokens or NFTs)VotingFurthermore, blockchain is an open source network. This means developers can work autonomously to improve or innovate its functions.The more efficient a blockchain ecosystem becomes, the easier it is for corporations and governments to adopt it as part of their regular operations.What are the largest cryptocurrencies?Among the 18,000-plus cryptocurrencies in existence, Bitcoin and Ethereum are the two largest cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. Bitcoin, the original and largest cryptocurrency, was developed in 2009 as an alternative monetary asset. It was meant to be an alternative to the U.S. dollar and other fiat currencies. Although some vendors may accept Bitcoin as payment, most investors view it as a speculative investment.Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap. Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum was not designed to function solely as an alternative monetary asset. Instead, it was designed as an innovative ledger technology to help companies securely transport data, store data, and build new programs and applications.In short, Ethereum is a massive digital ecosystem through which digital information and computer applications can be transported, stored, and even created.What does crypto aim to achieve?Some cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin and Tether, were developed to serve a monetary function. Others, such as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu coin, were developed as novelty items whose values rely on popularity and trading.Many, if not most, cryptocurrencies were developed to solve challenges within the blockchain ecosystem, such as transmission speed, scalability, security, energy efficiency, and cost efficiency.How can I invest in crypto?You can purchase crypto through a cryptocurrency exchange or any financial institution that can broker a cryptocurrency transaction.Once you purchase cryptocurrency, you can secure your crypto coins in a digital wallet, online wallet, or hardware wallet.What are the risks of investing in crypto?Here are a few of the more common risks in cryptocurrency investment:Volatility risk. Crypto prices frequently exhibit extreme swings during certain economic or market conditions. Liquidity risk. Some cryptocurrencies trade with light volume, and thus can be easily manipulated by buyers with large capital resources or sellers who have a large stake in a given currency. Cybersecurity risk. Your crypto can be stolen if a bad actor has access to your crypto wallet’s private key.Overnight risk. Because crypto trades 24/7, your holdings are subject to adverse fluctuations overnight.Vanishing risk. There are factors that have caused certain crypto coins to vanish; these instances are rare and unique to particular coins.The bottom lineAlthough the original idea behind cryptocurrency was to create an alternative monetary asset, many investors purchase cryptocurrency not as money, but as an alternative asset or a way to invest in its underlying blockchain technology. Crypto is an emerging field, not unlike the technology sector in the 1990s. There are plenty of brilliant ideas in the crypto world, but not every blockchain innovation will find its way to mainstream use. So, if you’re planning on investing in cryptocurrencies, proceed with a healthy dose of caution.Britannica MoneyHousehold FinanceInvestingRetirementHistory & TheoryAbout UsPrivacy PolicyTerms & Conditions© 2024 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.